Unemployment in the Australian economy

Group Assignment 30% (word limit: 2500 words)
Due – Week 10
Analyse unemployment in the Australian economy under the following headings:
• Explain why there is unemployment exist in a developed economy?
• How is unemployment measured? Is there any gap in the measurement and/or the process?
• What is the causes of unemployment in the Australian Economy ?
• What is the relationship between inflation and Unemployment? Analyse this relation in Australian economic context (With respect to recent data that shows pressure of unemployment is pro- nounced but not inflation)
Select any two regions of Australia that are starkly different in unemployment issues and analyse why it is so? (Explain by considering state policies that plays major role in such stark difference)
• What policies the Australian government can implement to decrease unemployment (accompanied by at least two practical examples, may be from any other similar economy that benefitted from such changes)?
This assignment builds on your theoretical knowledge and aims to put that theoretical learning into application.