Unit 9 Class Assignment /Strategic Mgmnt in Health Care

Discussion Questions: (please answer in complete sentences) You will find these answers in the chapter and in the 1996 Kaplan and Norton article under Unit 9 Overview.

Why is it important to regularly monitor strategic efforts in an organization?
Why is it necessary to set metrics?
Describe two methods of monitoring and evaluating data.
What are the pros and cons to each?

What are the benefits of using balanced scorecards?
What problems can they present?
Explain why many strategic plans can fail. (list at least three reasons)
List five common KPIs (Google, only two are allowed to be financial)
What is the strategic action cycle, and what are the components?

How does building a scorecard enable a company to link its financial budget with its strategic goals?

How does the personal scorecard help to communicate corporate and unit objectives to the people and teams performing the work?

Conduct and Internet search to locate two different organization’s balanced scorecards. Answer the following questions:

Organization one: ___________________________________________

Are the four balanced scorecard perspectives present?
Are the organization’s goals easily identifiable?
Do the goals relate to the organization’s mission, vision and values?
What are the strategic objectives the organizations are trying to achieve?
How would you improve these scorecards?
Organization two: ___________________________________________

Are the four balanced scorecard perspectives present?
Are the organization’s goals easily identifiable?
Do the goals relate to the organization’s mission, vision and values?
What are the strategic objectives the organizations are trying to achieve?
Riverview Community Hospital

Build a scorecard for Riverview Community Hospital (the example case study at the end of each unit lesson)

What are your metrics for these sections:
Internal business processes
Learning and growth
Draft a Gantt Chart
Draft a visual
You can attach the the answer to these last two as a file.