In the United States, we typically use the plurality voting method, augmented with a sequential runoff system (primary elections). The primary election serves to narrow the pool of potential candidates to two (or one from each party, depending on the stat

In the United States, we typically use the plurality voting method, augmented with a sequential runoff system (primary elections). The primary election serves to narrow the pool of potential candidates to two (or one from each party, depending on the state), then the general election decides between those remaining candidates. It is commonly claimed that our voting system favors a two-party political system, where there are only two major political parties, while other voting systems can favor multi-party systems (this is called ″Duverger′s law″). A poll found that about half of Americans think we need a third party, yet few are actually willing to vote for one, not wanting to ″throw their vote away″ or take away support from their less-disliked major party candidate. For this writing assignment, read this highly opinionated and inflammatory article . Then, Reflect on the article. Are the author′s claims reasonable and/or logical? Are there aspects you agree with? Disagree with? To what extent, if any, do you think an alternative voting system (instant runoff, Borda count, Copeland′s method, etc.) would help or hinder smaller political parties in the United States. Be specific about the method and how it would help or hinder. How do you think voters would respond to voting using an alternate system? Be sure to include a list of at least 3 references in your answer (books, newspapers, websites, etc). You need to write a formal bibliography using APA formatting, and remember that using someone else′s words or ideas without citing them is plagarism. What you submit should be your own words and ideas. While there is no limit to how much or little you write, it is imperative that you address the three items above in a coherent essay that addresses the rubric attached. Click on the blue ″Writing Assignment″ link at the top of the page to submit your assignment.