Universal healthcare (Healthcare for all)

create an annotated bibliography for researched argument paper on universal health care, the argument will follow a Rogerian style.

At least two of the sources must be from library databases (Academic Search Complete is suggested). ​Other sources might include books, chapters in edited volumes, feature length articles in popular magazines, or sources on the WWW (but you can only have two from the WWW).
identify the author, medium, and audience & summarize the work.create an annotated bibliography for researched argument paper on universal health care, the argument will follow a Rogerian style.

At least two of the sources must be from library databases (Academic Search Complete is suggested). ​Other sources might include books, chapters in edited volumes, feature length articles in popular magazines, or sources on the WWW (but you can only have two from the WWW).
identify the author, medium, and audience & summarize the work.