Most of us might see the title character of The Sorrows of Young Werther as a self-indulgent nut, but he bacame a cult hero to followers of the Romantic movement throughout Europe. What elements of Romanticism are evident in Werther’s character?

Most of us might see the title character of The Sorrows of Young Werther as a self-indulgent nut, but he bacame a cult hero to followers of the Romantic movement throughout Europe. What elements of Romanticism are evident in Werther’s character? Here are some things to cover in your essay:

how does Werther feel about Nature?
how does Werther feel about society? the aristocracy? rustic, simple, homey pleasures?
where are there elements of the gothic? the melodramatic? the lure of adventure (consider Werther’s favorite books)
find indications of the wish to transcent the mundane (of the inner journey

Be sure that you quote and document examples from the novel to support your observations.