Use all course literature to discuss how private (for profit and non-profit) actors influence and are influenced by the EU. How is the EU different from national systems from this perspective and what are the pros and cons?

The course is examined on the basis of seminar participation and the take-home exam.
The final grade is based on the take-home exam, while full participation in all learning activities is required. Below you find the exam for the course. The take-home exam is an individual assignment. The goal of the exam is to review the course literature and to demonstrate that you can account for the most important events and conflicts behind the development of the European cooperation, understand the essential driving forces behind the European integration, account for the European countries’ perspectives on the European integration and departing from the course literature, be able to do critical and independent analysis of the current developments. Hence, for your answers to the questions presented below, you will rely on the course literature and on your own independent thinking. No references list of the course literature are required. But if you use literal citations or quotes, use citation/quotation marks and refer to the correct pages and text. However, you should avoid using long literal citations or quotes and rather use your own words, analyses and reasoning. The exam consists of three questions. Use ca 1500 words to respond to each question. The total exam should not exceed 5000 words. Each question will be graded with a score that ranges from 0 to 5. The student needs at least 8 points in total and 2 point on each question in order to pass.
The final grade for the whole exam ranges as follows: A=13 + B= 12 C= 10-11 D= 9 E= 8 F= 7 or less You find the detailed description of the grading criteria below.
A: In addition to the requirements for the grade B, the individual assignment and seminar work are characterized by:
• Particularly well-argued and illuminating analysis of relevant scientific literature on European politics
• Particularly skilful application and critical analysis

Question 1
Discuss how the EU integration project can be analyzed using the theories ”neofunctionalism” and ”intergovernmentalism”. Which strengths and weaknesses has these different theoretical perspectives? Use historical and contemporary examples to illustrate your arguments.
Question 2
Use all course literature to discuss how private (for profit and non-profit) actors influence and are influenced by the EU. How is the EU different from national systems from this perspective and what are the pros and cons?
Question 3
On 1 March 2017, the European Commission released a White Paper on the future of Europe. Use the course literature to analyze the White paper with particular emphasis on the historical development, essential driving forces and constraining factors. How can we understand the future of EU based on the member states different perspectives on the integration project and the need for EU to be both efficient and democratic legitimate? The take-home exam should be submitted no later than November 1, 17.00.

White Paper is attached in a separate file.

Course literature:
European Union Politics, Michelle Cini and Nieves Pérez-Solóvzana Borragán, (eds). 2016, Oxford University Press
This literature should be used to answer questions.