The Use of Distillation to Aid Water Scarcity
Make sure use at least 6 references in the lab report. You can refer to the sample lab report and img0494 for rubic lab reprot in materials.
The lab report consists of a title, an abstract, introduction, methods and materials,
procedure, results, discussion and references. This is also known as the IMRAD format. You are
already familiar with the introduction and methods sections from the proposal, which means the more
critical components of the report, are the results, analysis, and discussion sections. The results section
should synthesize and explain the data using charts and graphs, and your discussion should expand on
the implications this study has and talk about unanswered questions.
Key features and grading criteria.
§ A focused topic. The idea here is to inform your audience about a particular topic without
going astray.
§ Accurate research. You can choose from a range of scholarly essays, books, articles,
photographs. Your goal is to become an expert who will well inform the reader. Peer-reviewed
sources are encouraged but are not required for this assignment.
§ Synthesis of ideas. Connect the information you present. Do not just list the information you
§ Clear definitions. You will find topic specific terms in your research, the definitions of which
should be provided and any distinctions from more common words should be made.
§ Organization and Presentation. Are your paragraphs developed, and do they relate to the main
topic? Are you referencing tables, diagrams, and images along with your writing? If you are
referencing media, is it clearly described and benefit your essay? Does your essay contain
comparisons, definitions, and explanations? Think about your audience, are they willing to read
this? Did you meet the assignment limit? Does it follow the IMRAD format?
§ Citations. Make sure you cite your source in your Bibliography and in-text using MLA
formatting. This lets the reader know that the information is credible, and that there are others
who support your argument