Use the information provided in Maria’s scenario to prepare a written proposal for a practice /care improvement for her during her time in hospital, using the headings listed below.

Assessment 3: Essay: Proposal for practice/care improvement (2,000 words equivalent) (50%)





A few days after Christmas, Mrs Maria Zografos was admitted to your ward in an acute care hospital with vomiting and severe abdominal pain following several hours overnight in the Emergency Department.


She is 75 years old and lives with her husband Angelo. They have 4 adult children, 2 males and 2 females and 4 grandchildren. One year ago, she was diagnosed with dementia – no specific type. She has not been in hospital since the birth of her children many years ago. She has always been a very active person with lots of community interests and providing child care support for her grandchildren.


After admission you notice that Maria becomes very agitated and restless while in bed. She constantly calls out and lashes out at you (nursing student) and other staff when they come to check her observations.





Use the information provided in Maria’s scenario to prepare a written proposal for a practice /care improvement for her during her time in hospital, using the headings listed below.


Detailed instructions:


Your proposal should include an introduction and conclusion (400 words). The body of your proposal should include the following 4 sub-headings:


Part 1:Maria and her family’s experiences of admission to hospital’ (400 words)

From what you have learnt from Module 2 on Experiences of Dementia, write how you imagine Maria and her family are experiencing her admission into hospital, including what you think might be the most difficult aspect of this experience for them.


Part 2: ‘Person Centred Care (PCC)’ (400 words)

From what you have learnt from Module 3 on Person Centred Care write how a PCC approach would be used in providing care to Maria in the acute care setting.


Part 3: ‘Caring for Maria’s BPSDs’ (400 words)

From what you have learnt from Module 4 on Communicating with People with Dementia and Module 5 on Managing Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia, write on how you might prevent or minimise her BPSDs.


Part 4: ‘Nursing care of Maria in an acute hospital’ (400 words)

From what you have learnt from Module 6 on Managing other acute care issues for people with dementia write on how you might improve other relevant aspects of Maria’s care while she is in hospital. Include at least 2 assessment tools that should be used and describe why they should be used for Maria.


 These are some example of assessment tools to refer; Need to choose  at least 2


Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination

Abbey pain scale


Functional activities




Other information


  • Your proposal should include reference to between 13 and 20 credible peer-reviewed references.(in text reference should be included)


  • Use APA 6 formatting & citation style