Use relevant strategic management tools and techniques to evaluate the current strategy of the organisation based on what you know of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

Your informal report should be for the company that you worked on for Assignment 1. Use relevant strategic management tools and techniques to evaluate the current strategy of the organisation based on what you know of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, derived from your analysis in assignment 1. Firstly, you need to provide some ‘performance’ data on how the strategy is working, trends in sales, profits, market share etc. How the organisation competes (e.g. Differentiation/ Cost/ Focus). Evaluate how the strategic direction of the organisation (Ansoff) relates to growth, innovation or international expansion. Analyse why this strategy might be suitable, acceptable and feasible given what you know about the SWOT for the organisation. Given the nature of this analysis there must be a contemporary and inventive flavour to much of the relevant data. Is the recent change in government likely to impact on their strategy? Examine Brexit and the slow growth on the UK economy. Briefly identify and justify a potential improvement in strategic direction for the organisation. An effective structure might present key trend data on how the organisation has been performing as the starting point for evaluating the strategy. Re-evaluating how the organisation tries to compete, its competitive advantage. The directions the organisations strategy is taking it in and how this matches what you discovered in terms of its SWOT from assignment 1 and what this means in terms of its growth, innovation or movement into international markets. An evaluation of the strategy through SAF or another suitable model and a suggestion of how the strategy could be developed or augmented. REPORT LAYOUT like this below The organisation is ASDA. 1.0 Introduction to the UK Sector/ Industry analysis and your chosen organisation (Market share, performance data) 2.0 Organisational Objectives 3.0 SWOT analysis 4.0 Ansoff Matrix/ VRIN analysis / Bowman’s Strategy Clock/ Generic Strategies/ Porter’s 5 Forces 5.0 Evaluation  Strategic Direction  Vision  Market Strategy 6.0 Strategic Analysis – SAF  Suitability  Accessibility  Feasibility 7.0 Recommendations 8.0 Conclusion 9.0 References