Using at least TWO examples from different national contexts, examine the relationship between mega-events and one of the following: a) politics b) equality (gender, sexuality, and/or disability) c) the environment d) the media e) business, finance, or money.

Using at least TWO examples from different national contexts, examine the relationship between
mega-events and one of the following:
a) politics
b) equality (gender, sexuality, and/or disability)
c) the environment
d) the media
e) business, finance, or money.
This assessment is aimed at allowing students to co-design their own topics in order to reflect the
multi- and interdisciplinary nature of Mega-event studies.
Students are strongly advised to negotiate the examples in the assignment well in advance of the
deadline with the module leader. Students should draw on the knowledge gained from class readings
but must read significantly larger number of academic sources to support the essay.
The essay should not merely be descriptive or narrative; each essay should contain an argument
that needs to be proven through evidence and analysis. Without a strong thesis statement to carry
through the essay, it will be difficult to persuade the reader of the argument. Please consult the thesis
statement guide on Blackboard for additional advice.
Due to the nature of the assessment tasks for this module, none of the assessed work is marked
Please make sure all work conforms to the following formatting guidelines:
< Write all work in 12-point Times New Roman font
< Double-line space the main body of the text (footnotes do not need to be double-line spaced
< Leave a one inch margin around the edge of your written work – this can be done via ‘Page
< Include a word-count (this is made up of all the text in the main body of the piece – main
body, titles, subtitles – but does not include references (footnotes or bibliography) on the title
< The first line of each paragraph should be indented on the left side. Do not leave an
additional blank line between paragraphs (the paper is already double-spaced).
Please ensure the following reference guidelines are followed:
< Include a bibliography(listing all sources used in the writing of the coursework) on a separate
page at the end – see British Chicago style reference guide on Blackboard
< References within the text must use footnotes (if you have made explicit reference to a
section, quote etc of another work) – see British Chicago style reference guide on Blackboard
< Make sure you put short quotations (less than 50 words) in speech marks (e.g. “example”)
< Make sure you put long quotations (more than 50 words) separate from the text and indented
in from the left hand side:
A long quotation such as this should be commenced on a new line (with a line gap)
and then written out in its entirety. You should normally use a smaller font (in this
case size 11) for long quotations. It should be indented from the left hand side to
make it stand out from the remainder of the text. You do not need to put this quote
in speech marks or italics, but the footnote reference goes at the end.1
Word processing programs have a reference feature which formats the placement of footnotes in the
text and at the bottom of the page. Please make sure that you use this feature, using cardinal numbers
in consecutive order. (No numbers are repeated.) Multiple sources can be included in the same
footnote, separated with a semi-colon.
The assignment must be submitted electronically through the Turnitin system.
The cover page for the assignment must include a WORD COUNT.