Video Newscast

Based upon the information you have obtained through your studies of World Religions so far, you are being tasked with the opportunity to produce a personal video where you will serve either in the position as the News Anchor or as a Reporter in the Field detailing the breaking story of your findings on Buddhism as to their beliefs and characteristics and the impact they are having upon the structures of society.

Your Video News Cast should highlight the following in your presentation:

The clear identification and purpose of your role either as a News Anchor or as a Reporter in the Field.
The clear identification of Buddhism that we are studying in this class.
Identify and define any number of beliefs or characteristics of this particular religion.
Describe the impact the beliefs and characteristics are having upon the political, social, and attitudinal structures of their society today.
Demonstrate your creativity and use of technology in your production of the video which must also include audio for sharing this news worthy story and findings.
Your video should meet a 3-5 minute time frame for the presentation. Deductions will be taken for videos exceeding the stated time frame.

Your presentation can be in the form of any of the following formats of your choosing. Please ensure that your presentation is accessible by your instructor by either uploading or linking your project. Here are some online format suggestions for your video: