You are VP Business Development at Dollarama and are responsible for all new market expansion. Over the course of the last year it has become increasingly clear that your CEO and Board of Directors feel that they have saturated the Canadian marketplace and must begin looking at expanding beyond domestic borders.

Dollarama – Expansion Strategy 16 to 17 powerpoint slides not pages with these much words

You are VP Business Development at Dollarama and are responsible for all new market expansion. Over the course of the last year it has become increasingly clear that your CEO and Board of Directors feel that they have saturated the Canadian marketplace and must begin looking at expanding beyond domestic borders.

The Board of Directors is requesting a formal presentation outlining an expansion strategy, including an analysis of the country you recommend expanding to first.

For this assignment, you will need to build a slide deck making the case for one of the short-listed countries:
– Australia
– Germany
– Mexico
– United Kingdom
– United States

Within the slide deck, you will want to include the following but not limited to:
– Executive summary (1 slide max)
– Country overview
– Market overview (competitors, etc.)
– External Challenges and Opportunities
o Economic forces
o Competitive and Technological forces
o Global forces
o Political forces
o Societal/Cultural forces
– Internal Challenges and Opportunities
o Business strategy
o Managing international workforce
o Managing organizational change
– Market entry strategy (JV, Franchise, subsidiary, etc.)
– References

The overall purpose of the presentation is to provide an overview of the country you are recommending (in the context of Dollarama), outline potential concerns and opportunities, and provide a strong argument for expansion into the new market.

The submission will be graded on the quality of the executive summary (summary of key points), accuracy of company analysis, feasibility of recommendation, flow of argument, use of outside research, and clarity of presentation.

– Dollarama annual report
– Academic journals (international expansion, etc.)
– Harvard Business Review
– Google search
– – This assignment from Sacred Heart University provides a nice layout to consider.