wade and ferry argue that the historical pressure to say no to sex has been replaced by a new pressure to say yes. I’m your experience, is this true?

wade and ferry argue that the historical pressure to say no to sex has been replaced by a new pressure to say yes. I’m your experience, is this true? at what age does it begin? how does this imperative manifest itself? does it apply to everyone equally? how does it feel like? how do students navigate this new imperative? freitas, Donna 2013 “time to stop hooking up” (you know you want to) the washington post, march 29 Rosin, Hanna. 2012 “boys on the side” the atlantic, august 22. write 1-2 pages: If you had to pick one or the other account of hookup culture. which would you say is more correct? how so? what is your impression of hookup culture? what are they each getting right and wrong?