Warburg In Rome

Guidelines for writing the assigned Book Review Paper


  1. 3-5 Pages of the actual content.  You should also include a cover sheet that contains your name, my name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your paper. A final sheet should include the version of the book you are using, including copyright and year of publication.  Include page numbers and staple it before submitting it to me.
  2. Double Spaced without additional spaces.
  3. 12 Point Ft.
  4. Identify the author’s thesis and your response to that thesis.
  5. Your paper should be a combination of the book’s content and your own reaction to the book.
  6. Use quotations sparingly and ones that support your thesis. Use the Parenthetical Method of Sourcing.
  7. Ask appropriate and critical questions of the book.
  8. End with a conclusion where you provide an analysis of both the book and your final thoughts on the book.