Watch 2 documentary videos on natural disasters and do a 1-2 page single spaced write up on each film.

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Watch 2 documentary videos on natural disasters and do a 1-2 page single spaced write up on each film.Select specific topics for review for the final or something you want to learn more about. Recall that it should be a documentary NOT a Hollywood style disaster MOVIE. Some questions:

  • What was it about? (Where and when did it occur if it was a specific event)
  • What was the damage
  • Who was affected
  • Could it have been prevented/minimized?
  • What did you learn–i.e. what surprised you the most?

Ideas for documentary films (many are found on Netflix, You tube, or similar sites):

National Geographic documentaries

The World’s worst disasters (series)

Chasing coral

Chasing Ice