Web Application Design and development

develop a web
application for a hypothetical DVD rental e-shop. . The final application is similar to:
http://infotech.scu.edu.au/~vinh/moviezone/index.php or
From this moment, I will refer to the application as the movie_zone or the app.
When you have completed the assignment you are required to;
 Upload your web application to your student directory (on the school’s server
 Upload a zip file of your site (and the design documentation) to the MySCU
assignments folder.
Note to IBS students: Please check with your local lecturer/tutor the submission
requirements for your assignments. Typically, they will be different from on-shore students
of Southern Cross University.
Please note that all material used on your website has to comply with the Southern Cross
University “Web Hosting and Publishing Policy” located at:
 http://www.scu.edu.au/it/download.php?doc_id=3379&site_id=36
In Assignment 2, you will redevelop version 1 of the application to a fully working
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application. The following is the detailed description of Assignment 2:
 Part-A: Implementation. In this part you will implement and test version 2 of the
application. In particular, version 2 will have to meet all functional and nonfunctional
requirements you have specified in the design document. The following
are the key features of the version 2:
o The application should allow anyone to:
 Search for movies by different categories such as by stars,
directors, genre, new releases etc.
 Find the movie shop location on the map with information about
the contact person, telephone numbers and email addresses; and
submit online requests to the shop via web interface.
 Get online support about using the application
 Join and become a registered customer
o The application should allow registered customers to:
 Check if a movie is available for hire
 Book a movie DVD or Blu-ray from the shop if available
(maximum of 5)
o The application should allow the shop manager to
 Add/delete/update movies in the database
 Add/delete/update customer details
 Generate report about the movie stock.
o The application provides a responsive user interface that can adapt to at
least two type of devices: desktop and mobile.