Web and Document Design

Find two Fortune 500 Corporate websites that you believe do an excellent job in terms of design. Write up an analysis of specifying why the two sites are designed well. Then find two Fortune 500 Corporate websites that you believe need improvement in terms of their design. Write up an analysis specifying what improvement you would make. The excellent ones are Apple ( www.apple.com) and IBM (www.ibm.com). The ones that needs improvement are Berkshire Hathaway (www.BerkshireHathaway.com and Coach (www.Coach.com) You are asked by your company (Kraft / www.kraft.com) to write up and design a document about product sales at your company over the last 10 years. Please write up and design the document. The document should be no longer than three pages in length and should visualize the data you come up with. First part of paper can be 1 ½ pgs, Second part can be 2 pgs. Please complete both sections