you will examine the managerial style and influence that exists in order to better understand the overall operations of the organization, the direction of the organization, and how the organization is influenced by leadership.

you will examine the managerial style and influence that exists in order to better understand the overall operations of the organization, the direction of the organization, and how the organization is influenced by leadership. The final project will be submitted in two parts.


Part 1

To begin, select a healthcare organization in which you might have some interest in joining as an employee. To acquire the necessary information, conduct a literature review that includes exploring the biographies of some of the key founders, conducting employee interviews, and/or examining promotional materials, including websites and brochures.


The literature review should contain no fewer than 10 scholarly sources. Avoid using websites such as Wikipedia. Each of the sources will be properly cited within your Part 2 paper, and at the end of the paper in the References section, they should follow APA format. Your literature review is due during Week 6 of the course.


Part 2

Answer the following questions in your assignment:


  1. What is the mission of the organization?


  1. What is the organization’s strategy to successfully implement the mission?


  1. Who is the main customer base? Who are the key competitors?


  1. How is the firm organized? (Students may wish to research the organizational chart.)


  1. Which decision-making processes would be most effective in the organization’s overall operations?


  1. How does the organization manage change? Who is responsible for deciding what changes will be made and who is responsible for carrying out the change? What role does communication play in implementing the change process?


  1. Describe the motivational environment within the organization.


  1. Assess the effectiveness of the communication within the organization and with outside stakeholders.


  1. What ethical dilemmas has the organization faced? What ethical dilemmas may they face in the future?


  1. What sources of employee empowerment are utilized?


  1. What role does technology play in overall operations?


Your paper should be about 1500 to 2200 words (6 to 8 pages) in length, not including the title page and reference page. It should follow APA formatting guidelines and include in-text citations from your literature review, with a minimum of 10 scholarly sources. Each of the sources should be properly cited within the paper, and at the end of the paper in the References section, they should follow APA format.