You will write one academic essay between eight and ten pages by the end of the semester. You will have written three paragraphs toward the completionof this essay, as well as an annotated bibliography, to help prepare you to complete this assignment.

You will write one academic essay between eight and ten pages by the end of the semester. You will have written three paragraphs toward the completionof this essay, as well as an annotated bibliography, to help prepare you to complete this assignment. You will also have conducted two peer reviews on two different drafts of this essay. The essay must be written in size 12 Times New Roman font and according to MLA format (eighth edition) –includingcorrectly formattedin-text citations and a correctly formatted Works Cited page (I will not teach MLA format; you are responsible for getting it right). The essay will consist of an academic argument central to which is aclose reading of a single poem from the syllabus. As a close reading, your essay must utilize the skills learned in Reading Poetry: skills that include the knowledge (and application) of metre and rhythm, syntax, figurative language, poeticvoice, tone, irony, ambiguity, the sonnet, allusion, influence, intertextuality, closure, pluralism and undecidability.Not every concept from Reading Poetry can possibly be incorporated into your essay, of course; but it must be clear to me that you haveread and understood the material from Reading Poetry well enough and comprehensively enoughtoapply some of that material meaningfully in an original academic argument about a poem. A second requirement of your essay is that the close reading you conduct must be enhanced by way of the five secondary sources presented in your annotated bibliography. The content of these sources must relate either directly or indirectly to the poem in question. All the poems we have discussedwere written in the literary epoch we call the “Romantic”era. Accordingly, your source can be about Romantic-eraliterary culture, important historical or political events of the period, the poem itself (obviously the best choice) or, what is likely to be the case, some combination of all of these topics. Your Works Cited page, accordingly, must include the following:Primary source: This is thepoem as disseminated in class; the information for the anthology that contains the poem will be provided. Thus thisentry should be the same for everyone working on the same poem.5 secondary sources: See the “Annotated Bibliography Guidelines” and the “Finding Sources” hand-outs for information on what kinds of sources are appropriate. I will say,again,that each secondary source must be from a scholarly book or a peer-reviewed journal written between 1970 and the present. A peer-reviewed journal is a scholarly print journal that is regularly digitized and available online (most scholarly journals), or a scholarly journal published exclusively online.I will not accept a website, hand-out, lecture, etc. as a source.All five secondary sources must be properly citedin the body of the essay at least once(whether quoted directly or paraphrased),as well asdocumented in the Works Cited page. In order to get credit for this component of the assignment,it must be clear thatyou are making meaningful use of each of these secondary sources: not, that is, simply citing a source in a way that has little or no impact on your argument.