You will write a proposal on how you plan to implement education and training within the organization to address the opportunities and challenges associated with managing across cultures.

Module 4 Case Assignment
The Case Assignment for this course will be a 5-8 page essay
(excluding cover page and references) on the organization you
selected in module 2. You will write a proposal on how you plan to
implement education and training within the organization to address
the opportunities and challenges associated with managing across
cultures. The emphasis for the Case Assignment is on the host
country of origin for the assignment, so the paper is written from that
host country’s perspective. You will add cultural elements from the
U.S. portion of the organization in your Signature Assignment.
Please address the concepts learned and student-learning outcomes
in modules 1 – 4 (see table below). In your paper add a brief executive
summary (no more than 1 page), which will include your training plan,
associated costs, and human resources required. In the body of the
paper, address the concepts learned and explain if they are applicable
or not in the organization. At the end of your paper, write a couple of
paragraphs about what you learned about the organization as it
pertained to the culture in the host country, any preconceived notions
prior to research about the organization in the host country, and your
current perceptions about the organization.
Modules and Associated Learning Outcomes
Module Title Student Learning Outcome
Mod 1– Defining the
Concepts/Culture Shock
1. Identify critical concepts in
management across cultures
Mod 2—Cultural Identity
Impact on an Organization
2. Interpret the cultural identity
impact on an organization
Mod 3—Human Resources and
the Cross Cultural
3. Examine human resources across
cultures in an organization
Mod 4– Overcoming Cross
Cultural Barriers (Language,
Education, and Training)
4. Propose strategies to overcome
cultural barriers in an organization
1 / 2
Case Assignment Guidelines:
Use a minimum of 3 – 4 academic journal sources in your Case
Use APA style
Double-space with 1-inch margins, 12-point and Times New
Roman font
Include a Cover (Title) Page and Reference page
Proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes
Cite sources to avoid plagiarism
Provide a thesis statement and conclusion
The case assignment should be an enjoyable experience, since you
addressed the concepts in your Threaded Discussions. Therefore, if
you do not turn in your Case Assignment before the deadline, points
may be deducted from your score for tardiness. If you anticipate a
problem turning in your assignment on time, please contact your
instructor immediately.