Women Health- case study. Nurse Practitioner

See the Assessment Overview for administrative details (e.g. word count). If you have any questions about the assignment, please post a reply in this thread.

This case describes two encounters with the same client over a period of time. Read the case below, and answer the questions in order to demonstrate your clinical approach to caring for this patient population.

Rosalind is a Jamaican-born 31 y.o. female who moved to Canada approximately ten years ago, when she married her Canadian husband, Patrick. She presents in clinic today for a well-woman exam. It has been three years since her last encounter with the clinic. During your history assessment, she tells you that she and her husband have been trying to conceive for at least a year, with no success. She says that her sisters back in Jamaica also had problems with fertility, but she doesn’t know why.

Describe what further information you would want to ask during this visit? (history and review of systems) (15)
How would you approach pre-conception counselling at this point? (include the cultural aspects of care, fertility, primary health promotion) (15)
What interventions would you do today? Provide rationale (10)
It is now two years later, Rosalind is 33 years old. She is currently twelve weeks pregnant after a successful treatment with IVF on the third attempt (G3, P0). She is seeing an Obstetrician, but she and the specialist would prefer to have Shared Care with you as her Primary Care Provider.

What additional risk factors does invitro fertilization present? (5)
At this point in her pregnancy, what screening should be done? Describe how you would explain these tests to Rosalind? (15)
What prenatal teaching will you provide to Rosalind today? (15)
Describe your plan for Shared in this situation? (role of PCP and OBS) (5)

Scholarly Writing and Critical Thinking (20 marks)
Paper should be a maximum of 3000 words, excluding title page, references and appendices
Structure should be as per APA format with a title page, abstract, introduction and the body of the paper organized by the appropriate number and level of headings. A conclusion, references and appendices should also be present
Spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct
Ideas are clearly articulated and organized with effective communication of interpretations and conclusions Information is well organized such that logical links are evident within paragraphs, within sections and among sections of the paper
Relevant scholarly evidence is used to support statements and is accurately cited and referenced
References document the sources of information used in the description of the project
Evidence of critical thinking including analysis, synthesis, integration of theory and personal experiences and original thinking