Our work in this unit looked at the alignment of Information Technology and organizational strategy. Ideally they should line up and support each other. Sometimes it happens, other times, not. We want to put you in that first group – where technology supports organizational strategy and organizational strategy is furthered by information technology.

Our work in this unit looked at the alignment of Information Technology and organizational strategy. Ideally they should line up and support each other. Sometimes it happens, other times, not. We want to put you in that first group – where technology supports organizational strategy and organizational strategy is furthered by information technology. So your assignment this week is – in an essay of at least two full paragraphs but no more than four, describe an organizational strategy of your choice in a health care organization, discuss how IT can further that strategy if implemented correctly, and how IT could hinder that strategy. As always, more explanation is better! Surprised Remember to cite at least one reference in your response!

Please submit your response to this assignment on or before 11:59 p.m on Sunday of this week.