World order in the 21st Century: To what extent are major powers challenging the existing world order? Discuss with the reference to China and/or Russia

1. Introduction: here, you have to explain why Russia is an important actor in the big international scenario and why some people think (and don’t think) that they are challenging the US-established system.
a. Here, your voice and your argument have to come out. What is your point? If you are arguing that Russia IS challenging the international order, then you have to say: “This essay will show that Russia is challenging the international order because (example), they are preparing for war, they have a strong, long-term aggressive foreign policy, they want to make Russia great again… If, instead, you are arguing that Russia IS NOT challenging the international system you can say: “This essay will show how Russia, though powerful, is NOT to be considered as a threat because it is not going to change the international order because, they are way too behind, they don’t have the money, Putin is bluffing…
2. Give a little bit of background and talk about why you think Russia is still important
3. Introduce today’s Russia and role Putin has, reinforcing your argument that Putin wants Russia to be respected as a powerful actor in the international arena
4. Given all of this, how is Russia viewing the international system, how do they see international crises, how do they see US and Europe, Iran, Syria and the Middle East, China, and India?
5. What does Russia want? How are Russia and Putin shaping their role in the world? Are they doing something important to be relevant? How are they trying to achieve importance?
a. If you are arguing that Russia IS challenging, then you emphasise all the things that confirm this: weapons, alliances with Iran, Turkey, military intervention in Syria..
b. If you are arguing that Russia IS NOT challenging, then you emphasise all the things that confirm this: they are way behind the US, don’t have the money, they are bluffing…
6. Is Russia really challenging the system or are they still behind?
a. And this is where you confirm or disprove your point
7. Conclusion

– that was the Dr instructions so far but my thoughts are as follow:
– As long as I have read so far ( from my own perspective Russia is challenging the world order but not changing it so far, so I would write about how Russia as a major power is challenging the existing world order)
– There are 2 books and both are free to download PDF which is I think they should be as references
o Russia Views of the international order (
o Understanding the current international order (

I prefer to follow up with the writer as soon as he starts writing

important Notes :
1- Structure: your essay is to include an introduction, a body of text which may be subdivided into several sub-section, and the conclusions.
2- Essay are to be typed in Arial 11 font, using one and half spacing.
3- use the Chicago system for footnoting and producing a bibliography.
4- hope the writer will be in contact with me so I can advise him for further information