World Stewart

According to Stewart, it is important to be genuine and analytical of the issues of life surrounding us. He believes that it’s important to go to the world with a deep feeling and reflection of who you are in order to establish how people define you character. He believes that it is good to leave thing better than he or she found them despite how obvious situations and circumstances might be. One must never mind what have in mind about their thoughts and opinions. The idea is different from the real world because one must think the repercussions of the opinions and thoughts before exposing them (Houpt).  Stewart supports the society in attacking all the silliness whether social, political or economical which is not always the case in the real world because some absurdities might be making sense. Both the Stewart and real world support the individuals pursuing the truth and the things which matters in the world. It is the role of each individual to act for the interest of others and those of theirs. The work demonstrates the similarities and differences of the Stewart world and the real world basing the argument on the biblical teaching.

According to Luke 8:19-21, when the mother and brothers of Jesus came to see him but they were unable because of the huge crowd (Houpt). When he was informed that his brothers and mother were waiting to see him, he replied that his brothers and mother are those who listen to the word of God and put it into practice. His answer was no absurd as the followers would view it but it was resolving the conflict of interest between his followers and the family members (Houpt). The scripture displayed conformity to the social values and Jesus in the account did not violate the local social values. In Conclusion, the people in the biblical times would react negatively to the reading but it rely teaches us to be genuine and act in trust on whatever we engage with disregarding the family relationship and ties.

Work Cited
Houpt, S. The world according to Stewart. 2009. American Politics: Canadian Perspective.