Write a 2000 word essay in which you apply a life stage theory to develop a case study that includes consideration of health and social needs, and current safeguarding principles and concepts.

Marking Criteria
Identify who you are writing about and why. 20%
Identify which theory you have applied to the 56 Up participant or child scenario and why you have chosen that theory.
In the form of a diagram or table, provide a timeline which maps the phases or stages of your chosen theory on to the lifecourse of the 56 Up participant or the child scenario. In your table or diagram show what you perceive as the highs and lows of the lifecourse you are writing about. Where possible, add information about social and political changes that may impact on the lifecourse presented in your assignment.
Write about the identified 56 Up participant or child scenario in the light of your reading of recent textbooks, original writing by the theorists and academic articles discussing developmental theories and social change. With reference to your reading, apply the chosen theory to the life course you have chosen to write about. Discuss how the theory has helped you develop your thoughts about the 56 Up participant or child scenario and in what ways the theory seems dated or limited for the understanding your chosen subject. Consider how the life course has influenced the health and social needs of the 56 Up participant or those in the child scenario. 35%
Using safeguarding guidelines, identify the harm or risk of harm for the 56 Up participant or in the child scenario. Avoid unnecessary speculation and identify evidence for your safeguarding concerns. Suggest what might be done to prevent the risk becoming a reality, or reducing the harm which is being done. 20%
In your conclusion, think more generally about how you can use what you learn in this module in your future career. As a practitioner, how can you apply life course theory to your relationship with patients and carers in practice? 15%
Demonstrate logical and coherent development in your work. It must be clearly presented
You will have:
Structured your essay in a logical manner including an introduction and summary or conclusion
Demonstrated a coherent line of discussion 5%
Use accurately the recommended referencing system 5%
You will have:
Harvard formate.
Included an accurate and complete reference list
Additional information:
Attachment theory: the work of
John Bowlby
Which character did you choose and why (must identify and state the rational)
Why did you choose the theory and not the other and how does it fit into the person (character you choose).
Identify and draw a time line of the person you have chosen, the high and low time of this person and what was going on in their life at the time.
Application of the theory to the individuals, how has their life being and what did the theory say about it, how does it fit into their life.
What are the strength and limitation of the theory generally and in relation to this person (character life).
Any safeguarding issue in the person’s life in the film.
What do you conclude about the person’s theory.
1 how is it relevant in mental health
2 how will affect your practice as a mental health nurse
3 how has the learning influence you.
What has gone wrong in the life of the individual and what gone well in their life.
Where is the person resilient from, are they lucky, was someone there to support them.
Don’t make assumptions.
Demonstrate understanding of the theory; identify strength and weakness of the theory.
The easy must have an introduction which will include what the easy is all about, why is important and useful in Mental health setting, and a conclusion.