Write an essay discussing ONE of these topics: gun control, immigration reform, violence in the media, and the limits of free speech. Do NOT use any sources in this paper, since it is YOUR argument (Safe Assign will show me if you use other materials). In case you look up some facts and statistics you may need for your argument, keep those to a minimum, but make sure you specify where you got that information.

Write an essay discussing ONE of these topics: gun control, immigration reform, violence in the media, and the limits of free speech. Do NOT use any sources in this paper, since it is YOUR argument (Safe Assign will show me if you use other materials). In case you look up some facts and statistics you may need for your argument, keep those to a minimum, but make sure you specify where you got that information.

Identify the controversy and the problems that arise in relation to the issue. Give a definition of your own to the concepts you are using, to lead the reader better toward an understanding of what the issue or problem is (best in the first body paragraph). You should use a combination of personal experience and your own reasoning to write this paper. You will then proceed to explaining what problems you see as part of the issue you have picked, and find: what you think are the causes and effects of the issue you picked; examples; solutions that do not work, and solutions that you think will work.

You will also think of at least one strong point that the opposition makes, and argue against it. This should constitute at least one full paragraph in your paper.

1. Introduction: presents what problem(s) you will discuss in relation to the topic you chose, narrows down the general topic to a specific area of interest to you, and very briefly announces the reasons you will give to take a particular side: causes, consequences, solution(s) (whichever applies), or whatever else you want to point out in your essay. Remember that sometimes it is best to write the final version of the introduction after you have completed the paper. You can start with a hook by presenting a disturbing example, briefly, then write your thesis statement.

2. Body paragraphs: the first one, ideally, will give some extensive definition(s) of what happens in the world or in your immediate vicinity in relation to that issue. Then, in no particular order, you will: discuss how it happens, why it happens, to whom it happens, what are its consequences, give examples, what are some solutions that do not work, and solutions that work, according to you (or that will work in the future). 3-4 paragraphs should be in support of your point of view, but at least in one additional paragraph you will also bring up what opponents of your position would say, and respond to them to show the weaknesses of their argument. Do not count your body paragraphs, but make sure you have enough reasons and examples developed into paragraphs. Your strongest point should be presented last, before the conclusion.

1. Conclusion: it shows what will happen in the future in your opinion; or, it draws some generalizations; or it summarizes what you have talked about and explains the overall importance of your essay or of addressing the issue the way you suggested; etc.

You will get comments from me, then you will write a second draft. The paper is in MLA format (double space, Times New Roman font, size 12; name, professor, course, date ALL in upper left corner, one under the other, on first page only; and add your last name under Header and number the pages). Use Format link for further MLA information.

Note: Do not use very informal language. This is an academic paper, so do not address the reader as you It is ok to use I but do not overuse it. Do not use chat room spellings such as u for you or thru for through.