Write a letter to either a Senator or a Representative from Texas listed below persuading to support (or not support) HB 855. You will need to write the letter to either: Senators from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) OR Sen. John Cornyn (R), Senate Majority Whip OR Representative (Representative from Texas’ 18th District) – UH is located in the 18th District Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D)

Assignment: Write a letter to either a Senator or a Representative from Texas listed below persuading to support (or not support) HB 855. You will need to write the letter to either:

Senators from Texas
Sen. Ted Cruz (R)
Sen. John Cornyn (R), Senate Majority Whip

Representative (Representative from Texas’ 18th District) – UH is located in the 18th District
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D)

Bill Number Author Summary Impact
H.B. 855* Sandy Davis (D) The bill restricts fast food establishments and mobile food vendors within 500 feet of school grounds or public playgrounds. If passed, this will limit the access to unhealthy foods and potentially reduce obesity among children.
*Note: This is not a real house bill.

1. First paragraph. (10 points total)
This paragraph should be between 8-10 sentences.
• In a concise manner, state the exact name of the bill and summarize the particular issue that you are addressing (Hint: read the summary above) (1 sentence) (2.5 points)
• Describe who you are and why you are passionate about this piece of legislation (2-3 sentence) (2.5 points)
• Describe who the legislation will directly impact in your life. (Are you a parent? Older sister? Godparent? Or, maybe the legislation won’t impact an individual directly, but it does impact your profession. This is a personal connection to the issue) (5-6 sentences) (5 points)

2. Second paragraph. (10 points total)
This paragraph should be a minimum of 10 sentences. Contrary to the first paragraph which focused on a personal connection, this paragraph will focus on population health (i.e. public health).This paragraph needs to be coherent and well-developed.
• Why are you concern from a public health perspective? Include facts that support your position. You will have to do additional reading on your own to write this paragraph.
• In your facts, you may want to include the following. (All of the suggestions below do not need to be included in the write up. These are suggestions that can be used help support your argument):
o The number of people this bill would affect (See Letter to Senator Assignment on BB for the number of children in Texas schools)
o The immediate impact may be viewed as limiting the presence of unhealthy food sources around schools or recreational areas. However, are there larger impacts for society? To help you think about through this consider:
 What the connection is between diet and obesity?
 What is the connection between diet and academic achievement?
 What is the connection between obesity and obesity-related diseases? How are obesity-related diseases related to medical costs?
 Will restricting fast food establishments and mobile food vendors within 500 feet of schools or public playgrounds “solve” the obesity epidemic?
 Is this bill counterproductive if the similar restrictions are not established for residential areas?
To reiterate, all of the suggestions above do not need to be included in the write up. These are suggestions that can be used help support your argument.

3. Third paragraph. (10 points)
This paragraph should be 2-3 sentences.
• Wrap up firmly, yet politely
o Reiterate your position on the bill. In other words, clearly state the exact name of the bill AND whether you support or do not support the bill (5 points)
o Include a sentence that concisely summarizes why you support or do not support the bill. (5 points)

Formatting and Page Instructions

Page 1: Format of the letter. (10 points total)
Please format your letter just like the template that has been provided for you on the next page.
• Use of template (2 point)
• Document is 1 page (2 point)
• Single space (2 point)
• 12-font, Times New Roman (2 point)
• 1 inch margins (2 point)
• Do not include in-text citations in your letter. For every in-text citation that you use 2 points will be deducted.

Page 2: Please provide a list of references and a brief explanation/summary of the information in the empirical article and how that links to the argument laid out in the 2nd paragraph of your letter. The reference must be written in APA-style, double-spaced. (35 points total)
• Use of APA-style (15 points)
• Use of at least 4 empirical articles (5 points per empirical article used = 20 points for the use of 4 empirical articles)

Page 3: In 2-5 sentences explain why you chose to address the specific Senator or Representative in your letter. (5 points)
• There are many reasons for why you choose a particular senator/representative. Your explanation needs to be compelling and coherent.
o You may want to choose a senator/representative whose primarily platform is not education nor health (e.g., primary platform may be agriculture, water, and rural affairs; veteran affairs; transportation). In this case you are informing the senator/representative whose attention may not be on this bill.
o You may want to choose a senator/representative whose primarily platform is education or health but is opposed to expanding federal programs. In this case the senator/representative is probably aware of the bill; however, you are persuading why expanding the physical education is important.

• You can read about the Senator or Representative of your choosing below.

Senators from Texas
Sen. Ted Cruz (R) https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/ted_cruz/412573#
Sen. John Cornyn (R), Senate Majority Whip https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/john_cornyn/300027

Representative (Representative from Texas’ 18th District) – The
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D) https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/sheila_jackson_lee/400199

Other important factors. (20 points total)
• Grammar, spelling, organization of thoughts (15 points)
Points will be taken off for incorrect use of grammar, spelling errors, and/or if writing is disorganized or unclear.
• TWO locations where the assignment must be turned in:
1. Hard copy to GAR 104 (front desk) by the due date (5 points)**
2. Upload an electronic copy to Turnitin.com by 5:00pm on the due date (If this is not done, you will be given a GRADE OF ZERO for the ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT)

In order to receive full credit for each corresponding bolded point, the response needs to accurately and clearly answer the paragraph and page requirements.
• Example of when half credit is awarded:
o Half credit is awarded when responses have the minimum number of sentences requested but the response is unclear/vague or incomplete.
o Half credit is awarded when responses do not include the minimum number of sentences requested but the response is clear and coherent.
• Examples of when zero credit is awarded:
o If non-empirical source(s) are used, no credit will be given. This can result in up to 20 points being deducted.
o If a section of the letter is not addressed, incorrectly addressed, or the minimum number of sentences are not used AND the response is unclear/vague, zero points will be awarded.

As a reminder:
• If you are unsure what qualifies as an empirical article or where to find one, please see BB.
• In terms of APA-style, assignments are NOT required to have a title page, header, nor be double-spaced.
• Assignments ARE REQUIRED to be 1-inch margins, 12-point font (Times New Roman), and single spaced.