Write a paper summarizing the theoretical perspectives on identity presented in the textbook. Identify the perspective you find most acceptable, and justify your choice. Evaluate the information in light of your own development in adolescence.

Plan an educational unit covering nutrition, health, and safety for use with preschoolers and kindergartners. Take into account young children’s cognitive and linguistic characteristics. The project should include (1) an outline of the content of the unit; and (2) a description of how the content would be presented, given the intellectual abilities of preschoolers. For example, how long would each lesson be? What kinds of pictures or other audiovisual materials would be used? How would this content be integrated with the children’s other activities in preschool or kindergarten?

Visit two day care centers and evaluate each center using the information from the text as a guide. Request a fee schedule from each center. Write a paper summarizing your evaluation of each center. Note: Unless you are an actual potential client of the center, contact the director beforehand to explain the actual purpose of the visit, obtain permission to visit, and schedule your visit so as to minimize disruption to the center’s schedule.

Watch some children’s television programs and advertising, examine some children’s toys and their packaging, read some children’s books, and listen to some children’s recordings, looking for evidence of sex-role socialization. Write a paper comparing these contemporary influences with those you remember from your own childhood, and discuss the implications of the differences and similarities you find.

Write a paper describing things your parents did to help you in school and anything your parents did that hindered you in school. If you have young brothers and/or sisters, include your parents’ influences on their education. Analyze your parents’ actions from the standpoint of the characteristics discussed in the text.

Write a paper summarizing the theoretical perspectives on identity presented in the textbook.Identify the perspective you find most acceptable, and justify your choice. Evaluate the information in light of your own development in adolescence.