“To write a proposal about how operations management and decision making are dealt with in uncertain circumstances where the work conditions and the projects settings are unclear, ambiguity is predominant making it even harder to operate”.

Proposal Topic:
“To write a proposal about how operations management and decision making are dealt with in
uncertain circumstances where the work conditions and the projects settings are unclear, ambiguity is
predominant making it even harder to operate”.
“Add that I am civil engineer working for some time in remote and post conflict locations, this subject is
important to me as it’s dealing with a relatively important subject faced in such locations for many
categories of beneficiaries: civilians, military; this subject could be applied for post conflict locations,
remote and hardship locations, locations subject to floods hurricanes fires …”
a/ Application process:
Proposal words count: 2500 words
Proposal components:
The research proposal should contain as much as possible of the following: an introduction or outline of
the proposed topic; a statement of objectives and/or specific research questions; a summary of some
of the relevant literature which supports the research objective(s); an indication of the intended
research methodology; an indication of the theoretical structure and/or conceptual outline; a
provisional timetable of the major phases of the research process; results expected from the research
e.g. practical value of the research or possible contributions to knowledge or policy or methodology. At
this stage we are not looking for a definitive document but merely an indication that you have thought
through most of the above issues. Please note that work submitted may be subject to screening via
plagiarism software.