Should marine animals be kept in captivity.

This essay will tie together what we’ve learned in this class. It needs to be between 750 and 1,000 words. You may research your topic if you like, but research is not required. If you do research, you must make sure to include a Works Cited page and parenthetical references in your text.

You will choose a topic to argue. You will argue only one side, but you will point out the merits of your opponent’s argument and then show the reader why your argument is stronger.

You will write your paper using the form of a classical argument found on page 92 of your text and including different forms of evidence that appeal to your audience.

The Use of Technology by International Criminal Enterprises

No BOLD. No personal pronouns. The paper needs to be HEAVILY sourced. The majority of the paper needs to be sourced.

No BOLD. No personal pronouns. The paper needs to be HEAVILY sourced. The majority of the paper needs to be sourced.

No BOLD. No personal pronouns. The paper needs to be HEAVILY sourced. The majority of the paper needs to be sourced.

No BOLD. No personal pronouns. The paper needs to be HEAVILY sourced. The majority of the paper needs to be sourced.

No BOLD. No personal pronouns. The paper needs to be HEAVILY sourced. The majority of the paper needs to be sourced.

Which model of disability BEST accounts for how disability functions in modern society?

Term Paper Assignment
The term paper is a 6-10 page summary and analysis of everything we’ve covered in class this semester. As this is a true “term paper,” the assigned readings, lecture notes, etc., are sufficient; do not use outside sources. (No extra credit will be given for use of outside sources).


Respond to the following question:

Which model of disability BEST accounts for how disability functions in modern society?

To answer this question, you must first describe the four models we cover in class:

— holistic (the ancient/medieval world)

— mechanical (Renaissance / Early Modern)

— medical (Industrial Revolution)

— bureaucratic (post-WWII)

[note: these are rough dates, to indicate the era most associated with each. As you recall from class, there are elements of all of them in all eras].

You must also show their development, e.g. how each one arose to address issues not covered by the others, and any issues still outstanding. This should comprise 50-75% of your essay.

Next, craft your argument. You are free to choose any of the four models, OR develop one of your own — e.g. “a combination of holistic and mechanical models best describes how disability works today.” To do this, you must

— describe the issues your “model” addresses

— AND explain why none of the other models adequately addresses them

— AND describe potential downsides to your model.

As this is a persuasive essay, be sure to define your terms — it is NOT sufficient to state e.g. “my model is more inclusive;” you must define what you mean by “inclusive” AND why it is a goal to be preferred despite the downsides described in the previous section. This is the remaining 25-50% of your essay.

A well-crafted essay will build towards this conclusion throughout.


Page length: 6-10. N.b. 6 pages is the minimum required to adequately cover a topic of this size.

Format: Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, standard 1″ margins throughout. Cover page etc. are not necessary and will not count towards overall page length.

Citations/bibliography: Quotations from class readings should be cited, in the format of your choice. It is NOT necessary to cite lectures, class notes, powerpoint presentations, etc. Include a works cited page, in the format of your choice, at the end of the paper (the works cited page does not count towards the page length).

File format: Files should be uploaded to the dropbox in MS Word or compatible format.

GRADING: See the paper rubric below for details. As this is a college course, spelling, grammar, etc. count, so please proofread your papers. Papers with more than FIVE such mistakes will lose 20 points, i.e. one full letter grade.

Comparative Public Policy

Along with the original essay the complete instructions, as well as the course readings will be uploaded. Please edit according to the teachers comments below in order to improve the original paper. I have put 14 sources used in the number of sources required, however my original paper already has 14, so only add however many sources needed to enhance the original.

My main comments are:
Overall, you are in the right direction with regard to the connection between inequality, populism and LMEs/CMEs. The broad structure is fine and it is good that you have different sections for wage negotiations, education etc. Do make sure, however, to have a short road map in the introduction in which you explain what you are going to do and how the different sections are connected.
The problems are:
1) there are very significant expression problems. The paper is at times impossible to understand. There seem to be extensive paraphrases (this is fine, as long as they are cited) that use poorly chosen terms (e.g. “establishments,” for what was probably “institutions” in the original text. I suggest you take care of these expression problems, as, if not corrected, they will significantly reduce your marks.
2) Sometimes there statements that are not correct, e.g. ” As noted earlier, the nature of the workforce in the coordinated market economies, most of the organizations hesitate at committing many funds in increasing the levels of training and development of their employees.” Leaving aside the expression problems, this statement seems to argue that employers in CMEs do not want to invest in training, which is not correct. Another example: it not true that in CMEs the government owns “most companies and banks.”
3) On several occasions you refers to sources (“others,” etc.): you should make explicit reference to the sources you are referring to
4) The treatment of populism, LMEs and CMEs is basically correct, but it is rather vague. For instance, why does the profit motive in the US discourage unions, as you argue? Also, employers in CMEs are also motivated by profit. When you discuss populism, how come populist movements are at the same time authoritarian and in favor of direct engagement in politics (as with referenda). You should spend more time (and words) disentangling the various arguments you make, i.e. explaining how the various statements are connected.
Anyway, as I said I think your broad approach is correct. Hope this helps.

Intelligence and Cognition

1. Start by reading the N.Y.Times newspaper article (attached)
After reviewing the article
1. Summarize the salient points of the article. Reflect and Respond in essay format what the author puts forth and consider that there are additional variables influencing academic achievement other than innate intelligence. Agree or Disagree?
2. Discuss the Nature vs. Nurture theoretical components of Intelligence
3. Then read relevant information on Intelligence comparing the following AUTHORS/THEORISTS: WECHSLER, STEINBERG, AND GARDNER.
4. Then, compare, evaluate and cite the positive points of each theorists (minimum of 3 theorists). Summarize (rather then pick one theorist as “most valid”) or create an “eclectic” view of intelligence combining the best of each. State your own personal response to those theories.


Latest revision comment04/13/2019 23:21 PM: The essay was not written in the format requested. It is required to be written in Comparative -Evaluative Essay. Additionally, the analysis and in-depth level of the essay was very weak.
Thank you

An exploration into the effects of extended wait time on the level of student participation and achievement in a whole class setting

Synthesis and critique/evaluation of ideas in the articles provided in the attachment

o Brief summaries of relevant information
o Organised coherently and purposefully
o Accurate representation of the articles
o Appropriate use of quotations (if any)
o Accurate citations

Your review should not only summarize and synthesize the articles but provide
your own critique or evaluation of what you have read.Synthesis and critique/evaluation of ideas in the articles provided in the attachment

o Brief summaries of relevant information
o Organised coherently and purposefully
o Accurate representation of the articles
o Appropriate use of quotations (if any)
o Accurate citations

Your review should not only summarize and synthesize the articles but provide
your own critique or evaluation of what you have read.

Stock Report of Ford Motor Company (F)

Roughly 5-8 pages – stock report.
1. Presentation of the company: industry, business model, current projects, leadership, history, peers, position in the market, competitors etc.
2. Fundamentals of the company: past performance, revenue, earnings (how have they done over the years), financial ratios.
3. Determine Beta with the Capital Asset Pricing Model
4. Valuation using DCF or DDM, estimating a low, medium, and high share value (depending on your assumptions which you need to justify in your writeup)
5. Price and price expectation: Cash Flow analysis and intrinsic value of the company to get one value at the for the share price
6. But: Also provide a high and low estimate based on changes to your assumptions
7. Statement of risks – Risks and headwinds: under circumstances will you overestimate your stock price / value
6. At the end: conclusion & Given three investor profiles, explain (recommendation) the suitability of an investment in “your” stock for these investors.

Systems Thinking and Public Health

Systems Thinking and Public Health
The purpose of this assignment is to recognize the complex hierarchy and levels of systems and apply practical and innovative systems thinking approaches to improve a public health issue. For this assignment, you will examine the relationship between governmental and nongovernmental entities in addressing health concerns.

Begin by reviewing the Healthy People website. On the site, select one of the leading health indicators (LHI) that are being addressed in your community.

Next, analyze how this issue is being addressed in your community by both governmental and nongovernmental entities.

In your analysis, do the following:

Identify and summarize the leading health indicator and public health issue you chose, explaining what makes it a public health issue and supporting your argument with data.
Analyze the system-level barriers to program implementation and success for a public health intervention. How do existing policies promote or impede health outcomes?
Describe a system-level intervention you would like to put in place to address the issue. What policies could improve health outcomes? What systemic changes would be needed to support those policies?
Evaluate the role cultural values and practices play in the success or failure of interventions.
Identify the potential participants in an interprofessional team who might be involved in the intervention that you propose.
Analyze how the interprofessional team might be involved in the intervention and why the team is important.
Create a Causal Loop Diagram as a visual aid that demonstrates the system-level complexities of your intervention.
Review the scoring guide before developing and submitting your assignment to ensure you meet all evaluation criteria.

Additional Requirements
Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free from errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Your paper should demonstrate the current APA style and formatting.
Number of resources: Include a minimum of three resources, appropriately cited throughout your paper and in your reference list.
Suggested length: Three typed and double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference list.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.


To complete this week, after reading chapter two in Melnyk and reviewing the lectures you submit a 2-3 page paper that explores the background of your issue. For this paper #1 you will be defining this issue or disease using the literature. It will end with the PICOT question. The parts of your paper should include:

Clinical Presentation
Conclusion with PICOT Question


If needed
Login: camRon13
Password: Shaniah14-15

To complete this week, after reading chapter two in Melnyk and reviewing the lectures you submit a 2-3 page paper that explores the background of your issue. For this paper #1 you will be defining this issue or disease using the literature. It will end with the PICOT question. The parts of your paper should include:

Clinical Presentation
Conclusion with PICOT Question


If needed
Login: camRon13
Password: Shaniah14-15


State your PICOT question.
Indicate in parentheses after each segment, what part of PICOT the preceding words represent.
For example: In patients recently discharged from the hospital following care for heart failure (P), do hand-off calls by the nurse to the primary care provider using the SBAR format (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) (I) compared to no calls (C) decrease readmission rates (O) over a one year period (T).
Provide feedback to your classmates that focuses on:
The use of correct PICOT format for the question to guide the literature search.
Does the question reflect a clinical issue and one appropriate for an evidence-based practice project?
Provide feedback to your classmates that focuses on:
The use of correct PICOT format for the question to guide the literature search.
Does the question reflect a clinical issue and one appropriate for an evidence-based practice project?