Music affecting the Theory of Human Nature

Book III of Plato’s Republic takes up formally the discussion of the role of music in education. Discuss in detail what Socrates means by music, how the argument for music is developed, why and how it is crucial to one’s education, and finally, what it means to be a musical human being and the necessary conditions for being able to become musical. How does this discussion of a musical education affect the theory of human nature as it emerges in the Thrasymachean, Glauconian, or Adeimantean arguments presented in Books I and II? That is, do we now have the makings of a different theory of human nature? Why or why not?

Your assignment is to write an argumentative research paper of 1500-2000 words (about 6 – 8 typed pages), which develops an original claim on a topic of your choice. The argument can be any one of the three types we have discussed previously in class:

Your assignment is to write an argumentative research paper of 1500-2000 words (about 6 – 8 typed pages), which develops an original claim on a topic of your choice. The argument can be any one of the three types we have discussed previously in class: causal, evaluation, or proposal. Guidelines for researching and writing the paper, including documentation, formatting, and revision, are found in Chapters 16-19 of your text. Your paper must be properly formatted using MLA documentation , including a works cited page. A sample research paper can be found in your text, beginning on page 196. There are links to various MLA style guides posted in the Course Materials section of the class webpage.

Macro and Microeconomic Concepts in a Global Context

Write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.


Part 1


You are a business owner firm that manufactures a specialized product in the United States. While developing a 5-year strategic growth plan, you have decided to investigate the benefits and disadvantages of expanding internationally. Research the issue, and discuss the following:


How would international expansion affect your business?

What are the risks, advantages, and disadvantages to your business of international expansion?

Do you think it is worth it?


Part 2


If you were the owner of an automobile company and decided to market internationally, would you face imperfect, monopolistic, oligopolistic, or perfect competition? Please justify your answer.

What sort of circumstances would you have to be aware of, and why?

What if you were a major retailer in the United States?


Describe the role narrative writing or speaking plays in the work place.

Describe the role narrative writing or speaking plays in the work place. Think about the role narratives play in your current or future job. Think about a time where you needed (or will need) to describe a sequence of events or tell a story in order to explain how something happened. Police officers have to use narrative all the time, but most of us do encounter narrative in our workplace, whether we are teachers relating an event to a student or a nurse explaining home care to a patient. This discussion asks you to consider the need for good narrative skills in your job. Respond to the following: • What is your profession or future profession? • What are some events or stories you might have to relate? • How can good narrative skills help you in these situations? Review then post (150–200 words) response .

Discuss this statement by Paul Hawken: ” Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.”

Part 1 Present a personal definition of organizational management. Base your definition on what you have encountered this week, as well as on what you have already learned. Discuss this statement by Paul Hawken: ” Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.” Write about the differences between leadership and management. Support your writing with at least three scholarly sources, two of which must be peer-reviewed journal articles. Your textbook (or a textbook from another management course) may be used as a third source. 3 citations and 3 references in APA minimum only. Use the text below as one of the references for part 1 Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons. Please remember to integrate an outside resource, or relevant research, to support important points. Well-edited quotes are cited appropriately. No more than 10% of the posting is a direct quotation. Part 2 Creating Shared Value Read the case study article New Business Models for Creating Shared Value attached; Discuss the significance of developing a business model for an organization. Note the chart in the article that lists the components of the major business models in the literature, and discuss which of those components from the available models is most applicable to your organization, and why? According to the case study material, how does the Osterwalder and Pigneur model stack up. What are your views regarding the findings of the study? What are your personal takeaways from the article? Support your writing with at least three scholarly sources, two of which must be peer-reviewed journal articles. 3 citations and 3 references in APA minimum only. Remember 1 page for Part 1 and 1 page for Part 2

Prehistoric to Western Art Google Art Project Assignment

This assignment will give you an opportunity to practice your observation, research, and analytical skills through a closer engagement with course content via online exhibitions. Students will tour virtual museums from a selected list and choose pairs of art works and produce a critical evaluation in the form of a 3-4 page double spaced response of 750-1000 words that assesses the form, content and context of the image pair, along with a comparison and contrast of the artworks. This assignment will build on the practice of close looking that you will be developing in class. For more on the practice of looking closely see:


STEP ONE: Go to the Google Art Project Museum Collections, browse and virtually visit:


STEP TWO: Locate any two works of art that you would like to bring into conversation with each other. The art works need to be made cultures we are currently studying. Keep in mind that that you will be completing a comparison and contrast of the art works based on FORM, CONTENT, and CONTEXT. As such, it might be wise to pick two art works that are comparable at least in terms of their medium, themes, or some aspect of their history. In other words, if you pick two objects that are completely unrelated, it will make for a more difficult assignment for you.


STEP THREE: Now, you can begin the process of inventorying the art works attributes using FORM, CONTENT, and CONTEXT to guide you. Look closely at the works. You may event want to make sketches. Take notes on your points of comparison and distinction, and make sure to consult as least one outside source besides your textbook from a scholarly source regarding the CONTEXT of your chosen object. For this, I encourage you to use the KPU Library for books and/or articles. You cannot use an internet source that is anonymous or unauthored, I will discuss this distinction with you in class. If unsure, please come see me to discuss.


STEP FOUR: Write a short final essay, sharing your observations. Papers for this assignment are expected to be between 750-1000 words and should be typed in 12 point font and around 3-4 pages double spaced. Pages should also be numbered and you must insert a jpg picture of both of your chosen art works at the end of the paper with a clear description for each with the ARTIST, TITLE, DATE, MUSEUM COLLECTION identified for each. Make sure as well to provide a bibliography with your outside sources clearly referenced.


STEP FIVE: Upload your completed document to Moodle by Wednesday, October 7 @ 11:55pm via Moodle.


Remember: Art history assignments are necessarily graded on form as well as content. While this is not an English class, sloppy writing and editing can result in a paper that is unclear and poorly thought out. Thus, papers must be well organized and clearly written. You can achieve this by creating a clear introduction that states what you will argue in your evaluation of your chosen art works, and develop the body of the response that supports your thesis, and your final conclusion. Keep in mind that a good outline (created before you even begin writing) and careful re-writing are essential for a good grade. Marks will likely be deducted for irrelevant material, excessive incorrect spelling, typos, and incorrect grammar.



Marking Rubric:


1-10 11-14 15-18 19-20
Level 1:

A limited mastery of knowledge and skills; below basic expectations.


Level 2: A partial mastery with limited to basic performance or expected achievement. Level 3: A solid consistent performance; demonstrated competency of knowledge and skills. Level 4: A superior, consistent performance; beyond expectations.
Major problems exist. Minor problems exist. Minor issues exist. No issues exist.
The assignment demonstrates the author’s shallow breadth and depth of thinking about the works.


Disorganization and incoherence in thoughtfulness and layout.


Significant and many grammar, spelling and punctuation errors throughout.


The review demonstrates the author’s satisfactory breadth and depth of thinking about the works.


Some grammar, spelling and punctuation errors throughout.


Assignment does not include all expected elements.

The assignment demonstrates the author’s solid breadth and depth of thinking about the works.


Very few grammar, spelling and punctuation errors throughout.


The assignment has a professional look and feel.

The assignment demonstrates the author’s comprehensive breadth and depth of thinking about the works.


No grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.


The assignment has a professional look and feel.




Weathering Discussion Forum

Introduction Marble and Granite are both very nice building stones. Many famous buildings have been built using these stones. Give two examples of buildings or monuments that were built from each stone. This week you will research these building stones and give examples of building that have been built with them. Grading This assignment is worth 20 pts.You must post by midnight of the due date to get full credit. If you post at least 2 days early you will get 1 point of extra credit. Assignment (5pts) Post two pictures of buildings that are built out of marble and two pictures of buildings that are built out of granite. Please include the source or website you got each picture from and be sure to label each picture. (5pts) In terms of chemical weathering, which stone is more susceptible to chemical weathering and why? Which would be the best choice for a national monument? (5pts) If you had to build a national monument composed of granite, where would you get the granite. If you had to build a national monument composed of marble, where would you get the marble. In other words, where do these materials come from, where are they mined? (5pts) Use complete sentences. Make sure you use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. DO NOT plagiarize!

contract law

A written cover sheet must be attached to the major Assignment. The form of the
coversheets is set out in Appendix B.
You MUST also keep a hard copy all of your written papers.
A margin of at least 2.5 cm should be left along the left hand side of each page.
Written answer papers must be either clearly written or typed. Typing should be
double spaced, no smaller than 12-point font and on one side of the page only.
The preferred binding of the written answer is a single staple in the top left hand
corner. No other binding is required. Written answers presented in any other form of
binding may be removed from that binding to facilitate marking. In such
circumstances the additional binding will not be returned to you.
Computer or printer failure is not an acceptable special circumstance for an
extension of time. You are expected to make back-up copies of your written answer
and have contingency plans for any potential printing problems.
The Major Assignment has a maximum word limit of 2,000 words. A word count
must be recorded on the cover sheet.
Written answers must be kept to the prescribed word limit. A word limit does not
include footnotes or bibliography.
If material submitted exceeds the prescribed limit the marker may:
¾ require you to revise and edit the work to the prescribed requirements, and/or
¾ stop marking at the word limit, and/or
¾ penalise you for exceeding the word limit by deducting 2 marks. Be aware
that this is the most likely result.
Footnotes, Quoting and Copying
Footnotes allow the reader to quickly and easily find the exact place in the source
material to which the footnote refers.
In the course of the written answer you will need to cite relevant authorities. These
may be a case precedent, the views of an author, a piece of legislation, or an article.
The source of the proposition or idea that is used must be acknowledged. For
example, you do not quote the opening page of a website if your quotation comes
from another page. You must quote the exact, complete location of the page on the
web where yo
All sources must be acknowledged by a footnote at the foot of the page where:
¾ the source is being directly quoted;
¾ an argument or proposition in that source is being paraphrased;
¾ the source is being used as authority to support a student’s proposition or
Footnotes that represent digressions from the main argument should be kept to a
Citation of Articles1
/ Books3

For LEGT 1710 assignments, students should use footnote citations. For examples
of how to use footnote citations, please see examples below in the footer at the
bottom of this page. All students are asked to please use this method of
Example 1 in the footer below shows how to correctly reference journal articles
(NOTE: also see below for referencing of online journal articles).
Example 2 in the footer below shows how to correctly reference cases
(NOTE: cases must be cited this way, even if you have found the case from an online
Example 3 in the footer below shows how to correctly reference books.
Example 4 in the footer below shows how to correctly legislation.
(NOTE: legislation must be cited this way, even if you have found the case from an
online site).
Referencing Books

Books should be cited as per the example below:
¾ Latimer P Australian Business Law, 31st ed, 2012, CCH Australia at [insert
page or paragraph number]
If the text is discussing a case then the reference should be:
¾ Esanda Finance Corporation Ltd v Peat Marwick Hungerfords (1997) 188
CLR 241 as cited in Latimer P Australian Business Law, 31st ed, 2012, CCH
Australia at [insert page or paragraph number]
Referencing online journal articles
Articles appearing in journals that are only available online should be cited in the
same manner as printed articles (see Example 1 in footer below) but an URL link

1 Hargovan A and Harris J, “The Relevance of Control in Establishing an Implied Agency Relationship between a
Company and its Owners” (2005) 23 Company and Securities Law Journal 461 at 463. 2 Pioneer Concrete Services Ltd v Yelnah Pty Ltd (1987) 5 NSWLR 254 at 256 (hereinafter Pioneer case). 3 Latimer P Australian Business Law, 31st ed, 2012, CCH Australia at 129 (Note: in this example, 129 represents the
page number – you can insert a relevant page OR paragraph number).
4 [insert section number], Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW)
should also follow the citation to the electronic article, as follows:
¾ Lewins K What’s the Trade Practices Act got to do with it? S74 and Towage
Contracts in Australia’(2006) 13(1) E-Law (Murdoch University Electronic
Journal of Law) 58, 59

(NOTE: if an article appears in a printed journal, even where a similar version is
available online, always cite the printed journal instead.)
Referencing Websites
If you want to reference discussion from a database like CCH or Butterworths Online
it should be cited as per the following example:
¾ CCH Australian Trade Practices Law Reporter at [insert paragraph number]
If the commentary talks about a case then the reference should be cited as follows:
¾ Esanda Finance Corporation Ltd v Peat Marwick Hungerfords (1997) 188
CLR 241 as cited in CCH Torts Law Reporter at [insert paragraph number]

Referencing Online Encyclopaedias

If you are using an online encyclopaedia, you must give the name of the publisher,
the name of the encyclopaedia, the title of relevant section or chapter, as follows:
¾ Thomsons, The Laws of Australia (at 1 August 2012) 32.2
Negligence International Trade, Duty of care: general principles [1/8/07]
If citing an online encyclopaedia, the volume number may be omitted.
Plagiarism is a serious academic offence and it is important to understand what it
means. The following is an extract from the Student Guide that you should read very
Plagiarism and failure to acknowledge sources
Plagiarism involves using another person’s work and presenting it as yours. Acts of
plagiarism include copying parts of a document or audiovisual, or computer-based
material without acknowledging and providing the source for each quotation or piece
of borrowed material.
Similarly, using or extracting another person’s concepts or conclusions, summarising
another person’s work or, where, there is collaborative preparatory work, submitting
substantially the same final version of any material as another student constitutes
plagiarism. This includes copying another student’s work or using their work as the
basis for your written answer. It does not matter whether you have their consent or
Encouraging or assisting another person to commit plagiarism is a form of collusion
and may attract the same penalties.
Academic misconduct can occur where you fail to acknowledge adequately the use
you have made of ideas or material from other sources. It is essential that you
correctly attribute your source wherever you draw on and use someone else’s ideas
or information, whether by summarising or direct quotation. You must do this in such
a way that is clear to anyone reading what you have written (or submitted) which of
the ideas, arguments and views are yours and which are those of the writers or
researchers you have consulted.
It is your responsibility to make sure you acknowledge within your writing where you
have “sourced” the information, ideas and facts etc.
The basic principles are that you should not attempt to pass off the work of another
person as your own. It should be possible for a reader to check the information and
ideas that you have used by going to the original source material. Acknowledgment
should be sufficiently accurate to enable the source to be located speedily.
The following are some examples of breaches of these principles:
¾ Quotation (ie using the exact same words from the source material) without
the use of the quotation mark (“………”)
It is plagiarism to quote another’s work without using quotation marks, even if one
then uses a footnote to refer to the identity of the quoted source. The fact that the
material is quoted must be acknowledged in your work. This includes quotations
obtained from a web page.
¾ Significant paraphrasing
Paraphrasing is using sentences in which the wording is very similar to the original
source wording. This applies even if the source is acknowledged by a footnote. The
source of all paraphrasing must be acknowledged by a footnote.
¾ Unacknowledged use of information or ideas
The unacknowledged use of information or ideas, unless such information or ideas
are commonplace, is plagiarism. In particular, citing sources (e.g. texts, cases), that
you have not read, without acknowledging the ‘secondary’ source from which
knowledge of them has been obtained, is plagiarism. For example, you have read a
paragraph from a company law textbook, at the end of the paragraph, there is a
footnote which refers to 3 cases. You, having not read any of those 3 cases, refer to
them in a footnote in your paper without acknowledging that they come from the
footnote in the contract textbook.
These principles apply to both text and footnotes of sources. They also apply to
sources such as teaching materials, and to any work by any student (including the
student submitting the work), which has been or will be otherwise submitted for
Using the principles mentioned above about proper acknowledgment, you should
also proceed on the general assumption that any work to be submitted for
assessment should in fact be your own work. It ought not be the result of
collaboration with others unless your lecturer gives clear indication that, for that
written answer, joint work or collaborative work is acceptable.
For Assignment 2 – all texts, articles and other sources you use in the preparation of
your work should be listed in a bibliography at the end of the written answer.
Separate headings are recommended for book, articles and websites consulted.
Note, Wikipedia is not to be used as it is an unreliable source of information.
Statutes and cases need not be separately listed in a bibliography.
Students should take extreme care when using Wikipedia. Wikipedia is prepared by
unknown authors and is often wrong. Whilst Wikipedia may, on occasion, be useful
as a starting point when approaching a completely unfamiliar topic, it is unacceptable
as a source for University assignments. If a decision is made to consult Wikipedia,
students must research further and check and cite the source used by Wikipedia in
their assignment rather than Wikipedia itself. Students who use Wikipedia as a
source for written assessment tasks without researching further and checking the
sources used will have marks deducted.

business law and ethic



“When we discuss the Triple Font of Morality theory we are discussing the process of every decision entailing deliberation and an election of an end, and an action chosen as a means to achieve that end…… This leads to the conclusion that a good end does not justify morally bad means, and the subordination of ethics to any interest destroys the proper sense of ethics”.  Management Ethics  Domenec Mele Palgrave Macmillan 2012.


Discuss whether or not you agree with this statement. In your answer you need to at least discuss:


  • what you understand the expression “ethical conduct” to mean;
  • the arguments for and against seeking to promote ethical conduct;
  • the different mechanisms, strategies or techniques for defining and promoting ethical conduct, and give examples where appropriate of the different mechanisms, strategies or techniques you have identified for defining and promoting ethical conduct; and
  • your views on the importance or otherwise of identifying ethical conduct.




“Is all discrimination unethical? There are some forms of discrimination commonly practiced and that are allowed –are they also unethical?” Stewart’s Guide to Employment Law 4th Edn. The Federation Press 2013, 282


Discuss whether or not you agree with this statement. In your answer you need to at least discuss:


  • what you understand the word “discrimination” to mean
  • examples of the types of “discrimination” you think are unethical and ones considered to be ethical;
  • the arguments for and against seeking to prevent discrimination;
  • the different mechanisms, strategies or techniques for preventing discrimination; and
  • your views on the importance or otherwise of preventing discrimination.




There are a range of occurrences that could impair an organizations capacity to deal with unethical conduct.


In your opinion whose responsibility is it to identify, report and deal with unethical conduct within a business context? In your answer you need to at least discuss:


  • specific examples of unethical conduct within a business context;
  • who would or should be in a position to identify, report and deal with unethical conduct within a business context;
  • the different mechanisms, strategies or techniques for identifying and dealing with the specific examples of unethical business conduct you have discussed; and
  • your views on the importance or otherwise of identifying and dealing with unethical business conduct.

Business Law and Ethics, Lancaster and Meltz  2nd Edition UTS Pearson Australia 2010, 67








Answer ALL 3 questions: The length of the answer to EACH QUESTION is not to exceed 800 WORDS FOR EACH QUESTION. Once the three questions are completed the words must not exceed 2,400 WORDS in total.


All answers for the take home questions are to be prepared in essay form (with paragraphs, headings and /subheadings where appropriate). All answers are to be prepared in accordance with the following specifications:


Paper: A4

Font: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12pt


One sided and stapled in the top left hand corner

Paper margins: Top/Bottom 2.54cm

Left/Right: 3.17cm




One of the three questions used in the Take Home Assignment above will be selected by the lecturer and you will be required to write the answer to this question in class under exam conditions in week 12, on 19 October. The question will be marked out of 18 Marks and the time for the exam will be 60 minutes.




SUBMISSION OF THE TAKE HOME ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS – To be submitted to the lecturer in class in Week 11, on 12 October. Late submissions will be penalized.



Classical Conditioning

For this paper you will choose a behavior of yours or someone else’s that developed as a result of classical conditioning. Examples include feeling happy when you hear a particular song, fear of dog, feeling sick when you see particular food. Answer the following questions in the form of 2-3 page paper: 1. Describe the behavior. How did it develop? 2. Identify the neutral stimulus (NS), unconditioned stimulus (US), unconditioned response (UR), conditioned stimulus (CS), and conditioned response (CR). 3. Does the conditioned response a exhibit stimulus generalization or stimulus discrimination? Discuss. 4. How might you go about extinguishing the conditioned response? 5. What does the research literature say about your selected behavior? Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed articles (academic journals).